Loose ring thick jointed snaffles have long been regarded as one of the kindest bits to ride your horse in and a lot of youngsters are put into them after breaking.
They have lost favour in the modern bitting world as more is now known about the horses mouth, and generally there is less room for a thick bit to sit comfortably.
The french link is often confused with the Dr Bristol as both have a plate in the middle, but the french link snaffle is at the mild end of the bitting spectrum.
The centre plate in a french link eggbutt is shaped and lies flat on the horses tongue causing little to no pressure when in use.
The double jointed mouthpiece eases pressure on the bars of the horses mouth and prevents palate pressure, making the french link one of the best bits for novice horses and riders.
Larger horses with plenty of space for a bit may find this bit comfortable, and it can be useful for the rider if the horse occasionally tries to get his tongue over the bit.
The thicker mouthpiece is not ideal to use with a horse with a thicker tongue, but can be good for horses with sensitive bars.